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OCR-text (abbyy)
Caesar, /Gaius lulius/
War commentaries. De bello gallico and De
bello civili. Ed. and transl. by John Warring,
8:o London & New York 195$.
(=Library;, Everyman's. Classical. 702.)
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Caesar, Gaius Iulius",
  "location": "London & New York",
  "title": "War commentaries. De bello gallico and De bello civili.",
  "year": "1953"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Caesar, /Gaius Iulius/
War commentaries. De bello gallico and De
bello civili. Ed. and transl. by John Warring-
ton.	21007-
8:o London & New York 1953.
(-Library, Everyman’s. Classical. 702.)
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Caesar, Gaius Iulius",
  "location": "London & New York",
  "title": "War commentaries. De bello gallico and De bello civili.",
  "year": "1953"
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