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/ bräns -- bucha / 00643
OCR-text (abbyy)
Observations concerning the prevention and
cure of the venereal disease.Intended to guard
the ignorant and unwary against the baneful
effects of that insidious malady.With an appen-
dix,containing a list of the most approved medi-
cines now used in the cure of this disorder,
also their doses,manner of application, &c.
2 edition.	8:o London 1797.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Buchan,W/ i 11 lam/
Observations concerning thé prevention and
cure of the venereal disease.Intended to guard
the ignorant and unwary against the baneful
effects of that insidious malady.With an äppen-
dix,containing a list of the most approved medi
cines now used in the cure of this disorder,
also their doses,manner of application, &c.
2 edition.	8:0 London 1797.
Saknar hörn