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/ bräns -- bucha / 00405
OCR-text (abbyy)
Brbste, Kurt
Prehistoric man in Danmark. A study in physical
anthropology. In collaboration with J. Balslev
Jorgensen. Archaeological contributions by C.J.
Becker and Johannes Brondsted.
Vol. 1-2,	4:° Copenhagen 1956.
Forts, se Katalog 1959-.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
7	_
Bröste, Kurt	(79
Prehistoric man in Danmark. A study in physical
anthropology. In collaboration with J. Balslev
Jörgensen. Archaeological contributions by C.J.
Becker and Johannes Bröndsted.
Vol. 1-2,	4:0 Copenhagen 1956.
Forts, se Katalog 1958-.
Saknar hörn