Main Image
/ brande -- brandt A-N / 00335
OCR-text (abbyy)
+ Brandi, Cesare
Se: Forlati, F., Brandi, C., & Froidevaux,
Y., Saint Sophia of Ochrida. Preservation and
restoration of the building and its frescoes.
... 4:o (1953).
=Museums_ and monuments. 4'^ v	.,/
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+ Brandi, Cesare
Se; Forlati, F., Brandi, C., & Fr oide va va,
Y., Saint Sophia of Ochrida. Preservation and
restoration of the building and its frescoes.
... 4:0 (1953).
=Museums and monuments • 4 -g ye w* uyA]
Saknar hörn