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/ book T-Ö -- bordem / 00095
OCR-text (abbyy)
The French yellow book.Diplomatic documents
concerning the events and negotiations which
proceeded the opening of hostilities between
Germany on the one hand, and Poland,Great Bri-
tain and France on the other.
^1938/1939.^7	8:0 London & Melbourne/1940/.
Ministbre des affairs gtrang&res.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "",
  "location": "London & Melbourne / 1940",
  "title": "The French yellow book. Diplomatic documents concerning the events and negotiations which preceded the opening of hostilities between Germany on the one hand, and Poland, Great Britain and France on the other.",
  "year": "1938/1939"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
The French yellow book.Diplomatic documents
concerning the events and negotiations which
proceeded the opening of hostilities between
Germany on the one hand, and Poland,Great Bri-
tain and France on the other.
(1938/1939.7	8:0 London & Melbourne/1940/.
Ministère des affairs étrangères.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "",
  "location": "London & Melbourne",
  "title": "The French yellow book. Diplomatic documents concerning the events and negotiations which proceeded the opening of hostilities between Germany on the one hand, and Poland, Great Britain and France on the other.",
  "year": "1938/1939"
Saknar hörn