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/ boberg N-Ö -- boeq / 00380
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bodelsen, C[arlj A[dolf Gottlieb]
The government and institutions of England.
4 ed.	8:o Kobenhavn 1954*
5 ed.	8:o Kobenhavn 195b.
Forts, se "Katalog 1958 — "
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Bodelsen, Carl Alfond Gottlieb",
  "location": "Kobenhavn",
  "title": "The government and institutions of England.",
  "year": "1954, 1956"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Bodelsen, CLarl] Adolf Gottlieb]
The government and institutions of England.
4 ed.	8:o Köbenhavn 1954.
5 ed.	8:o Köbenhavn 1956.
Forts, se "Katalog 1958—"
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Bodelsen, Carl Adolf Gottlieb",
  "location": "Köbenhavn",
  "title": "The government and institutions of England.",
  "year": "1954, 1956"
Saknar hörn