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/ boberg N-Ö -- boeq / 00266
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bodart, Gaston; Kello-, Vernon Lyman
Losses of life in modern wars. Austria-
Hungary, France. By Gaston Bodart. Military
selection and race deterioration. By Vernon
Lyman Kellog. Edited by Harald Westergaard,
Carnegie endowment for international peace.
Division of economics and history.
JSON (abbyy)
  "authors": [
    "Bodart, Gaston",
    "Kellog, Vernon Lyman"
  "location": "Oxford",
  "title": "Losses of life in modern wars. Austria-Hungary, Military selection and race deterioration.",
  "year": "1916"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Bodart, Gaston; Kellog , Vernon Lyman
Losses of life in modern wars. Austria-
Hungary, France. By Gaston Bodart • Military
selection and race deterioration. By Vernon
Lyman Kellog, Edited by Harald Westergaard.
8:0 Oxford 1916.
Carnegie endowment for international peace.
Division of economics and history.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": [
    "Bodart, Gaston",
    "Kellog, Vernon Lyman"
  "location": "Oxford",
  "title": "Losses of life in modern wars. Austria-Hungary, France.",
  "year": "1916"
Saknar hörn