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OCR-text (abbyy)

Boccaccio, [Giovanni]
Boccaccio on poetry. Being the preface and the
fourteenth and fifteenth books of Boccaccio's
Genealogia deorum gentilium in an English version
with introductory essay and commentary by Charles G
^(2i^ed.)	8:o New York 1956
(The library of liberal arts... Nr 82.)
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Boccaccio, Giovanni",
  "location": "New York",
  "title": "Boccaccio on poetry. Being the préfacé and the fourteenth and fifteenth books of Boccaccio's Genealogia deorum gentilium in an English version",
  "year": "1956"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Boccaccio, [Giovanni]
Boccaccio on poetry. Being the preface and the
fourteenth and fifteenth books of Boccaccio’s
Genealogia deorum gentilium in an English version
with introductory essay and commentary by Charles G.
(2. ed.)	8:o New York 1956.
(The library of liberal arts... Nr 82.)
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Boccaccio, Giovanni",
  "location": "",
  "title": "Boccaccio on poetry. Being the preface and the fourteenth and fifteenth books of Boccaccio’s Genealogia deorum gentilium in an English version with introductory essay and commentary by Charles G. Osgood.",
  "year": "1956"
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