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/ björkg -- björlx / 00678
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bjorling, [Karl] Gotthard [Emanuel]
Treatise on the gaseous reduction of zinc oxide.
A study of the rate of reduction with a compari-
son of the gaseous reduction of the oxides of cad-
mium, lead and tin.
8:o Stockholm 1955*
Diss. Tekniska högskolan.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Björling, [Karl] Gotthard [Emanuel]
Treatise on the gaseous reduction of zinc oxide.
A study of the rate of reduction with a compari-
son of the gaseous reduction of the oxides of cad-
mium, lead and tin.
8:o Stockholm 1955.
Diss. Tekniska högskolan.
Saknar hörn