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/ bex -- bibh / 00397
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bhagvanlal Indraji Pandit
Twenty-three inscriptions from Nepal.Collec
ted at the expense of h.h. the navab of Ju-
nägadh. Edited under the patronage of the
government of Bombay...translated from
gujarati by G.Buhler.
^	8:o Bombay 1885.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
_ Bhagvânlâl Indra j î Pandit
Twenty-three inscriptions from Nepâl.Collec-
ted at the expense of h.h. the navâb of Ju-
nâgadh. Edited under the patronage of the
government of Bombay... translated from
gujarâtî by G.Bühler.
8:0 Bombay 1885.
Saknar hörn