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/ beskr -- besö / 00428
OCR-text (abbyy)
Best. Elsdon
The Maori canoe. An account of various types of
vessels used by the Maori of New Zealand in former
times, with some description of those of the isles
of the Pacific, and a brief account of the peopling
of New Zealand. Wellington 192$. Faksimil.
8:o Wellington 1976.
-BulleMn^ Dominion museum. No. 7.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Best, Elsdon
The Maori canoe* An account of various types of
vessels used by the Maori of New Zealand in former
times, with some description of those of the isles
of the Pacific, and a brief account,of the peopling
of New Zealand. Wellington 1925. Faksimil.
8:0 Wellington 1976.
-Bulletin. Dominion museum. No. 7. , ,
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