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/ bergr -- bergström A-G / 00351
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bergstrand, Carl Gustaf
The influence of testosterone propionate on
the adrenal cortex of the infantile rabbit. A
histological study of the adrenal cortex under
various experimental conditions.
8:o Copenhagen (tr. Stockholm) 1952.
=Acta endocrinologies. Suppl. 8.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Be rostra nd, carl Gus taf
The Influence of testosterone propionate on
the adrenal cortex of the infantile rabbit. A
histological study of the adrenal cortex under
various experimental conditions.
8:0 Copenhagen (tr. Stockholm) 1952.
=Acta endocrino lógica . Suppl, tí.
Saknar hörn