Main Image
/ bart -- bart / 00039
OCR-text (abbyy)
Bartels, Erik D
f. Kjær/
j & Brun, Gudrun /Sophie,
Gipsies in Denmark.A social-biological study.
(Transl. from the Danish by Elisabeth Aagesen.)
8:o Copenhagen 1943.
= (Opera ex domo biologiae hereditariae hu-
manae universitatis Hafniensis. Vol. 5.)
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Bartels, Erik D. Brun Gudrun Sophie Kjær",
  "location": "Copenhagen",
  "title": "Gipsies in Denmark. A social-biological study.",
  "year": "1943"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Bartels, Erik D______,& Brun, Gudrun /Sophie,
f. Kjær/
Gipsies in Denmark .A social-biological study.
(Transi, from the Danish by Elisabeth Aagesen.)
8 :o Copenhagen 1943.
= (Opera ex domo biologiae hereditariae hu-
manae Universität is Hafniensis. Vol. 5.)
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Bartels, Erik D______, Brun, Gudrun Sophie, Kjær f.",
  "location": "Copenhagen",
  "title": "Gipsies in Denmark. A social-biological study.",
  "year": "1943"
Saknar hörn