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OCR-text (abbyy)
Baker, John Tull
An historical and critical examination of
English space and time theories from Henry More
to bishop Berkeley.
8:o Bronxville,N.Y. 1930.
Diss. New York. Columbia University.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Baker, John Tull",
  "location": "Bronxville, N. Y.",
  "title": "An historical and critical examination of English space and time theories from Henry More to bishop Berkeley.",
  "year": "1930"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Baker,. John Tull
An historical and critical examination of
English space and time theories from Henry More
to bishop Berkeley.
8:o Bronxville,N.Y. 1930.
Diss. New York. Columbia University.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Baker, John Tull",
  "location": "Bronxville, N.Y.",
  "title": "An historical and critical examination of English space and time theories from Henry More to bishop Berkeley.",
  "year": "1930"
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