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OCR-text (abbyy)
Bailey, Flora L
Some sex beliefs and practices in a Navaho
community; with comparative material from
other Navaho areas.
4:o Cambridge, Massachusetts 1950.
=Reports^ of the Ramah project. Report No. 2.
=Papers of the Peabody museum of American
arcKaeoT5gy and ethnology... Vol. 40. No. 2.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Bailey, Flora L",
  "location": "Cambridge, Massachusetts",
  "title": "Some sex beliefs and practices in a Navaho Community; with comparative material from other Navaho areas.",
  "year": "1950"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Bailey, Flora L
Some sex beliefs and practices in a Navaho
community; with comparative material from
other Navaho areas.
4:0 Cambridge, Massachusetts 1950.
=Reports of the Ramah project. Report No. 2.
=Papers of the Peabody museum of American
archaeology and ethnology... Vol. 40. No. 2.
Yowh. •
• 107 "T
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Bailey, Flora L",
  "location": "Cambridge, Massachusetts",
  "title": "Some sex beliefs and practices in a Navaho community; with comparative material from other Navaho areas.",
  "year": "1950"
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