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OCR-text (abbyy)
Arnesen, Kristen
The adrenothymic constitution and susceptibility
to leukemia in mice. A study of the AKR/O and WLO
strains and their hybrids.
8:o Oslo 1956.
=Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica.
Suppl. 109.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Arnesen, Kristen",
  "location": "Oslo",
  "title": "The adrenothymic Constitution and susceptibility to leukemia in mice. A study of the AKH/O and WLO strains and their hybrids.",
  "year": "1956"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Arnesen, Kristen	<)z=
The adrenothymic constitution and susceptibility
to leukemia in mice. A study of the AKR/O and WLO
strains and their hybrids.
8:o Oslo 1956.
=Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica
Suppl. IO9.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Arnesen, Kristen",
  "location": "Oslo",
  "title": "The adrenothymic constitution and susceptibility to leukemia in mice. A study of the AKR/O and WLO strains and their hybrids.",
  "year": "1956"
Saknar hörn