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OCR-text (abbyy)
Almqvist, Ruben [Valdemar]	.
The rhythm of epileptic attacks and its relation-
ship to the menstrual cycle.
8:o Copenhagen (tr. Jönköping) 1955*
Diss. Göteborgs universitet.
(=Acta psychiatrica et neurologica scandinavica.
Suppl. 105.)
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Almqvist, Ruben [Valdemar]	-le . .
The rhythm of epileptic attacks and its relation-
ship to the menstrual cycle.
8:o Copenhagen (tr. Jönköping) 1955.
Diss. Göteborgs universitet.
(=Acta psychiatrics et neurologies scandinavica.
Suppl. IO5.)
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