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OCR-text (abbyy)
Allen, Glover M/orrill/
Se; Gillin, John /Philip/, Archaeological in
vestigations in central Utah. Joint expedition
of the university of Utah and the Peabody mu-
seum, Harvard university. With an analysis of
the animal bones... 4;o 1941.
=Pa^ers of the Peabody museum of American
arcKaeoTogy and ethnology... Vol. 17:2.
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+ Allen, Glover M/orrill/
Se: Gillin, John /Philip/, Archaeological in
vestigations in central Utah. Joint expedition
of the university of Utah and the Peabody mu-
seum. Harvard university. With an analysis of
the animal bones... 4:0 1941.
=Papers of the Peabody museum of American
archaeology and ethnology... Vol. 17:2.
4 </- >>
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