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/ ald -- alf / 00404
OCR-text (abbyy)
Alexander,William - Z^^
The poetical works of William Alexander,earl
of Stirling,edited by L.E.Kastner,and H.B.Charl-
ton. With an introductory essay on the growth of
the Senecan tradition in renaissance tragedy.
Vol. 1-2.	8:o Edinburgh and London 1921-
=Publications of the university of Manchester.
English series.10,18. *"
=Soc\et^	r
The Scottish text society. ¿a^^^^j/*^ /
(New series.)
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Alexander .Willi am>. / 6 7.
The poetical works of William Alexander, earl
of Stirling, edited by L.E .Kastngr, and H .B . Charl
ton. With an introductory essay on the growth of
the Senecan tradition in renaissance tragedy.
Vol. 1-2.	8:0 Edinburgh and London 1921-
-Publications of the university of Manchester.
English series.10,18. —	02Z
=Society	r ,	r -
The Scottish text society. Loanenedot/
(New series.)	( e.
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Saknar hörn