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/ ahrl - aiq / 00199
OCR-text (abbyy)
Ahltorp, /Anders Erik/ Gideon ¿- y
On conservative myomectomy. A clinical-sta-
tistical investigation of the indications and
technique employed, and the results obtained
in conservative operations for fibro-myomas
of the uterus.
8:o Uppsala 1946.
=Acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandina-
vica.-Vol. 26:Suppl, 6f 1
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Ahl torp , /Anders —T 14/ uideon LT
On conservative myomectomy. A clinic al-sta-
tistical investigation of the indications and
technique employed, and the results obtained
in conservative operations for fibro-myomas
of the uterus.
8:o Uppsala 1946.
=Acta obstetricia et gynecologica scandina-
vica. Vol. 26 :Suppl. 6. Ned.]
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Saknar hörn