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/ achm -- adam a-i / 00571
OCR-text (abbyy)
+ Action-
The action of hormones in plants and inver-
tebrates. Ed. by Kenneth V. Thimann. Reprinted,
with additions and supplementary bibliographies
from "The hormones", Vol. 1.
8;o New York 1952.
Se: (Brown, F.A., Scharrer, B., & Thimann,
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Thimann, Kenneth V. (ed)",
  "location": "New York",
  "title": "The action of hormones in plants and invertebrates",
  "year": "1952"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
+ Action_
The action of hormones in plants and inver-
tebrates. Ed. by Kenneth V. Thimann. Reprinted
with additions and supplementary bibliographie:
from ”The hormones”, Vol. 1.
8:0 New York 1952.
Se: (Brown, F.A., Scharrer, B., & Thimann,
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "[Brown, F.A., Scharrer, B., Thimann, Kenneth V.]",
  "location": "New York",
  "title": "The action of hormones in plants and invertebrates.",
  "year": "1952"
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