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/ achm -- adam a-i / 00133
OCR-text (abbyy)
The acquisition and cataloging of books.
Papers presented before the Library institute
at the university of Chicago July 29 to August
9-1940. Ed. by William M.Randall with an intro
duction by Louis R.Wilson.
8:o Chicago, Ill. 1940.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "",
  "location": "Chicago, Ill.",
  "title": "The acquisition and cataloging of hooks. Papers presented before the Library institute at the university of Chicago July 29 to August 9, 1940.",
  "year": "1940"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
.Acquisition........	L —
The acquisition and cataloging of hooks.
Papers presented before the Library institute
at the university of Chicago July 29 to August
9-1940. Ed. by William M.Randall with an intro-
duction by Louis R.Wilson.
8:0 Chicago, Ill. 1940.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "",
  "location": "Chicago, Ill.",
  "title": ".Acquisition........ The acquisition and cataloging of hooks. Papers presented before the Library institute at the university of Chicago July 29 to August 9-1940. Ed. by William M.Randall with an introduction by Louis R.Wilson",
  "year": "1940"
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