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/ abhandlungen r-ö -- achl / 00598
OCR-text (abbyy)

An account of conferences held, and treaties
made, between Major-General Sir William John-
son, Bart., and the chief sachems and warrioars
of the Mohawks...Oghquagoes, Indian nations in
North America...
8:o London 1756.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Johnson, Major-General Sir William",
  "location": "London",
  "title": "An account of Conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-General Sir William Johnson, Bart. and the chief sachems and warriours of the Mohawks... Oghquagoes, Indian nations in North America...",
  "year": "1756"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
An account of conferences held, and treaties
made, between Major-General Sir William John-
son, Bart. , and the chief sachems and warriors
of the Mohawks...Oghquagoes, Indian nations in
North America...
8:o London 1756.
(Reprinted... 1930. .. )
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Johnson, Major-General Sir William",
  "location": "London",
  "title": "An account of conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-General Sir William Johnson, Bart. and the chief sachems and warriors of the Mohawks...Oghquagoes, Indian nations in North America...",
  "year": "1756"
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