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/ abhandlungen r-ö -- achl / 00479
OCR-text (abbyy)
Abu 1-Mahasin ibn Taghri Birdi
History of Egypt, 1382-1469 A.D. Transl. from
the Arabic Annals. By William Popper.
P. 1-7, Indices.
4:o Berkeley & Los Angeles 1954-63.
=Publications, University of California, in Se
mitic philology... Vol. 13-14, 17-19, 22-24.
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Abu l-Mahasin ibn Taghri Birdi",
  "location": "Berkeley & Los Angeles",
  "title": "History of Egypt, 1382-1469 A.D. Translated from the Arabic Annals. By William Popper.",
  "year": ""
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
Abu l-Mahâsin ibn Taghrî Birdî
History of Egypt, 1382-1469 A.D. Transi, from
the Arabic Annals. By William Popper.
P. 1-7, Indices.
4:0 Berkeley & Los Angeles 1954-63.
-Publications, University of California, in Se-
mitic philology... Vol. 15-14, 17-19, 22-24.
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "Abu l-Mahasin ibn Taghrid Birdi",
  "location": "Berkeley & Los Angeles",
  "title": "History of Egypt, 1382-1469 A.D. Translated from the Arabic Annals. By William Popper.",
  "year": ""
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