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/ abhandlungen r-ö -- achl / 00106
OCR-text (abbyy)
¡¿boul Faradj, Gregorius Bar-Hebr^usj
Barhebraeus' scholia on the Old Testament. Ed.
by Martin Sprengling and William Creighton Graham.
P. 1	'	4:o Chicago, Ill. 1931^*
^Publications. The University of Chicago. Ori-
ental institute publications. Vol. 13-
JSON (abbyy)
  "author": "Aboul Faradj, Gregorius Bar-Hebraeus",
  "location": "Chicago",
  "title": "Barhebraeus 1 scholia on the Old Testament. Edited by Martin Sprengling and William Creighton Graham.",
  "year": "1931"
OCR-text (abbyy-crop)
[Aboul Faradj, Gregorius Bar-Hebræus] —	_J
Barhebraeus 1 scholia on the Old Testament. Ed.
by Martin Sprengling and William Creighton Graham
P. 1	4:0 Chicago, Ill. 1931—
^Publications. The University of Chicago. Ori-
entai institute publications. Vol. 13.
Foz r roun. 7
Zerb. era- /
‘ Rhceaje 2
JSON (abbyy-crop)
  "author": "[Aboul Faradj, Gregorius Bar-Hebræus]",
  "location": "Chicago, Ill.",
  "title": "_J_ Barhebraeus 1 scholia on the Old Testament. Edited by Martin Sprengling and William Creighton Graham",
  "year": "1931"
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